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Employment by sector
The number of people in employment in VAT / PAYE registered businesses by industry. North East sector specialisms.
Labour market
North Tyneside
South Tyneside
Employment by occupation
The occupational structure of the North East labour market
Labour market

Interim evaluation of Local Growth Fund and Enterprise Zone programmes
To assess the impact and performance of the programmes to date in supporting the aims and objectives of the North East Strategic Economic Plan.
Index of Multiple Deprivation
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) analysis of LEP comparators and North East LEP LAs
Poverty and deprivation
International business links
Data on the proportion of North East businesses with international connections
International trade
Waste and recycling
Local authority waste collection totals and recycling rates
Housing and land
Net Zero
Climate change attitudes
Data from the DESNZ Public Attitudes Tracker about awareness of Net Zero and concern about climate change
Net Zero
Access to services by transport
Journey time statistics for each North East local authority area, estimates of the population at risk of transport related social exclusion.
Net Zero
International health inequalities data
International comparisons of mortality, life expectancy and gender differences between the North East and comparator regions
Novel data sources
Survival rate of new businesses
Data on the survival rate of new businesses in the North East
Business sectors
Low income households
Proportion living with less than 60% of the median household income
Poverty and deprivation
Ethnicity Pay Gaps
Data on how pay varies by ethnicity in the North East and England
Income and earnings
Business enterprise research and development
Data on business expenditure and employment in R&D across England regions
Business sectors

Regional Decarbonisation: People, Place and Planning
New research from Durham University on how strategic energy planning can drive decarbonisation, economic growth and wellbeing across the North East.
Net Zero

A mine energy white paper
The Case for Mine Energy – unlocking deployment at scale in the UK
Net Zero
Population by age group and patterns of population change in North East local authority areas. Including the components of change.