The North East has consistently had a higher proportion of individuals living in households with low income, before accounting for housing costs, than the majority of other regions. In FY14-16 the only region that had a higher proportion than the North East was the West Midlands at 19.3%. Yorkshire and the Humber had at the same rate as the North East. Yorkshire and the Humber and the North West did subsequently overtake the North East, but by FY20-22 had fallen back below the North East level, and the only region that was higher was the West Midlands.
The pattern is after accounting for housing costs, with proportions in the North East and the West Midlands remaining higher than the other regions, apart from London. London has a much higher proportion of individuals living in low income households after housing costs than any other region in England, reflecting higher housing costs in London. However, by FY20-22, the percentage in London had fallen below that of the North East and the West Midlands.