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GVA by industry
How different sectors contribute to the value of the goods and services produced in North East
Digital tech
Statistics on enterprises and employment for the digital sector.
Business sectors
Health and life sciences
Statistics on enterprises and employment for health and life sciences
Business sectors
Statistics on enterprises and employment for the energy sector
Business sectors
High growth firms
Data on high growth firms in the North East LEP area
Business sectors
Labour market status of older people
Statistics showing the participation of people aged 50 and above in the labour market. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market
Census 2021
Road Casualties
The number of people injured or killed in road traffic collisions
North Tyneside
South Tyneside
Apprenticeship outcomes
Statistics on the employment and learning outcomes of apprenticeship learners
Education and skills
Adult further education and skills
North East achievements and participation in adult (19+) FE and skills, including formal education and training as well as community learning
Education and skills
Employee Pay
Average gross weekly wages for full-time and part-time employees by residence and workplace
Income and earnings
Gender Pay Differences
Examining the differences in pay between Women and Men in the North East
Income and earnings
Earnings analysis across different groups
Disparities earnings across groups and measured against inflation
Income and earnings
Inflation adjusted pay gaps
Data on how real pay has changed in the North East and England
Income and earnings
Inward investment
Data on inward investment into the North East from the rest of the UK and abroad
International trade
Finance and investment
Life expectancy in the North East
Data on life expectancy at birth and at age 65 in the North East over time
Education (16-18) Outcomes
The numbers and percentages of students continuing to education, apprenticeship or employment destinations in the year after completing 16 to 18 study in North East schools and colleges
Education and skills