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Profile of the highest levels of qualification of the North East working age population
Education and skills Newcastle North Tyneside South Tyneside Durham Gateshead Sunderland Northumberland

GDP (sub-regional)

Gross Domestic Product, the value of goods and services produced in the North East and its local authority areas.

Land use

Statistics showing the distribution of land uses in the North East LEP area and comparisons with other areas
Housing and land Net Zero

Exporters and importers

Data on the number of exporters and importers of goods and services in the North East region
International trade

Workless households

Annual Population Survey data showing workless households in North East LEP and England Excluding London
Labour market Poverty and deprivation

Unregistered business population

Estimates of the total number of businesses in the North East region, including unregistered businesses
Business sectors

Housing Tenure

ONS Census data showing Housing Tenure in North East LEP areas and England Excluding London
Housing and land Census 2021

Healthy Life Expectancy

Average number of years that a person can expect to live in "full health" taking into account disease

Life Expectancy Inequalities

Differences in total life expectancies and healthy life expectancies due to deprivation and other measures

Health-related Behaviours

This page measures the incidence rates of smoking and physical activity within the North East

Crime Rates

Crime Rates in the North East areas and Regional Comparators
Poverty and deprivation

Small area income data

Understanding variation in household income in the North East by small area
Poverty and deprivation Income and earnings

Earnings inequality

Data on how earnings varies within the North East compared to other regions
Income and earnings

Air quality

Trends in concentrations of air pollutants at North East sites
Net Zero Newcastle Sunderland

Labour market status by ethnicity

North East population estimates by ethnic group. Labour market participation rates. Detailed information from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Inclusion

Research and innovation funding

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding in the North East; Research Council funds for universities with an estimate for Net Zero related projects
Net Zero Education and skills Productivity and innovation