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Park and ride occupancy

Average parking occupancy

Transport greenhouse gas emissions

Estimates of emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, by transport sub-sector and local authority area
Transport Net Zero

Projected employment change

Projections of the types of jobs in the North East labour market, and the skills workers will need, up to 2035.
Labour market

Productivity by industry

Data on output per hour in the North East region by sector
Economy Business sectors Productivity and innovation

Education and training participation and NEET (young people)

Rates of participation in education and training and NEET for those aged 16 to 17. NEET and employment rates for under 25s.
Education and skills

Graduate outcomes

Data of the migration of graduate to and from the North East and their employment outcomes
Education and skills

Broadband availability

Ofcom data showing broadband availability and average speeds in North East LEP and comparator geographies
Housing and land

Housing Affordability

Average Earnings and House Price ONS data showing Average Housing Affordability
Housing and land

Health Impacting Diseases and Conditions

Examining the prevalence of Arthritis, Mental Health, Diabetes and Obesity in the North East

Small area GVA data

Data on the economic output of small areas in the North East

Firm level labour productivity

Exploring the determinants of firm level labour productivity in the UK
Productivity and innovation Research

Visitor numbers and spending

Regional comparisons between visitor numbers and spending (international and domestic)

Visitor Economy Businesses

Data showing the number of visitor economy businesses and employment in the sector in the North East
Business sectors

Built-up areas in the North East

The types of settlement where people in the North East live, with population estimates for cities and towns, information about age profiles and a map of population density patterns..
Population Census 2021

Key Stage 4 Achievements

GCSE grades by North East Educational Area
Education and skills

Labour market status, disability and health

The participation in the labour market of people with disabilities or ill-health. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Health Inclusion