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Shields Ferry

Overall patronage and satisfaction of the Shields Ferry
Transport North Tyneside South Tyneside

Business growth

Proportion of businesses that are growing
Business sectors

Trade in Goods (Value)

Recent trends in the value of exports of goods from the North East region
International trade

Trade in Goods (Commodities)

Statistics about the value of exports of North East goods by commodity
International trade

Trade in Goods (Markets)

Recent trends in the value of exports of goods from the North East region by market
International trade

Foreign direct investment

Data on new foreign direct investment projects and jobs
International trade Finance and investment

Google Mobility data for the North East LEP area

These reports are based on data from users who have opted into their Google account location history. For each day, it compares the number of visits to different types of places with the average for that day during the first six weeks of 2020.
COVID-19 Novel data sources

Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports

Google mobility data highlights how COVID-19 restrictions and initiatives have impacted visits to retail and recreation locations.
COVID-19 Novel data sources

Digital Exclusion in the North East

Commissioned by the North East LEP’s Skills Advisory Panel (SAP), the report highlights the impact digital exclusion in the North East is having on people’s ability to access education, skills and employment.
Education and skills Research

Opportunity North East Summary Report April 2020

ONE is a data driven project, collating and extrapolating data from a student level up to whole project level. This report presents headline findings to help inform decision making for the project moving forward.
Education and skills Evaluation

Employment by nationality

Data on the employment of EU and Non-EU nationals in the North East region
Labour market

North East Ambition Career Benchmarks: Primary Pilot

This interim evaluation report compromises of data and intelligence gathered at the start of the Pilot and at the end of Year 1.
Education and skills

Opportunity North East: Final Report

Opportunity North East (ONE) was a three-year, £24 million, Department for Education (DfE) sponsored project. ONE is part of DfE’s commitment to improve education and boost productivity in the North East and Tees Valley areas.
Education and skills Evaluation

Research and development expenditure

Data on R&D spending in the different regions of the UK
Business sectors Productivity and innovation

Employment by industry (2021 Census)

The industry sectors in which North East workers are employed and how these compare for different areas and have changed since 2011
Census 2021

A deep geothermal energy white paper

The case for deep geothermal energy – unlocking investment at scale in the UK
Net Zero