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Evidence is fundamental for good decision-making

The North East Evidence Hub brings together key data about the region and provides tools to help residents, businesses, education establishments and policy makers to make use of this data in a simple and accessible way. It's about the region, for the region and we encourage feedback and contributions to help build the regional evidence base.

North East CA Strategic Evidence Base

Read the strategic evidence base for the new North East Combined Authority, covering the key data across Economy, People, and Place.

This evidence base builds on the substantial regional intelligence collated over the past decade and articulates the economic context at the time of this transition. It brings together a range of sources covering topics from economic geography and labour market, to health and transport, aligning with the key ambitions contained within the North East Devolution Deal.  

The evidence base has been used to frame discussions with stakeholders around the region including universities and colleges, businesses, the voluntary and community sector, and institutional investors. The evidence has also been reviewed by experts from outside the region, and informed the Royal Society of Arts and Manufacturing (RSA) in their recommendations in shaping regional investment priorities.

You can read the full strategic evidence base here.

Featured datasets

Greenhouse gas emissions, index (2005 = 100)

North East emissions have more than halved since 2005 (-54%, England -43%)

Pharma exports from the North East region over time (£millions)

Data on the value of exports from the North East

North East population 1992 to 2022

Illustrating recent decreases and increases in the North East population

Understanding skills demand within domestic energy

To acheive the 2050 Net Zero targets, the UK must decarbonise the heating market at a rate of 20,000 homes per week by 2025. This presents a significant skills challenge to solve in terms of scale, pace and quality. This skills needs assessments aims to explore the opportunities this presents for the region. 

Exploring Apprenticeships in North East Area

This research aims to explore and understand the apprenticeship landscape, and provide clear recommendations to support more young people moving into apprenticeship opportunities. 

Overarching evaluation of the North East Growth Hub and associated programmes

This independent evaluation covers the activities of the North East Growth Hub, plus deep dives into the High Potential Start-Up and Made Smarter North East programmes.

Latest data


Population by age group and patterns of population change in North East local authority areas. Including the components of change.

Skill-shortage vacancies, skills gaps and employee training

Data from the employer skills survey, including the extent and types of vacancies, employee skills gaps and types of training provided by employers.
Education, inclusion and skills

Business enterprise research and development

Data on business expenditure and employment in R&D across England regions
Business sectors

Commuting patterns in the North East

Data on where people work and live in the North East from the 2021 census
Transport Census 2021

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Find data, commentary, and research on all aspects of the regional economy. Evidence is categorised by theme, and some appears under more than one heading.

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