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Population projections

Estimates of the future size and structure of the North East population

Key Stage 4 destinations

Data on what pupils do after KS4 study (usually year 11)
Education and skills

Free school meal eligibility

The number and percentage of North East state-funded pupils eligible for free school meals
Poverty and deprivation Education and skills

Advanced manufacturing

Statistics on enterprises and employment for advanced manufacturing
Business sectors

Areas of strategic importance

An overview of enterprises and employment for the five areas of strategic importance that were a focus of the North East LEP up to 2024
Business sectors

Knowledge intensive business services

Data on the number of enterprises and employment in knowledge intensive business services
Business sectors

Housing and housebuilding

Information about the North East dwelling stock, net additional dwellings and house building
Housing and land

Energy consumption

Data on energy consumption by fuel and sector in the North East LEP area
Net Zero

Energy efficiency of housing

Data on the energy efficiency of homes in the North East
Housing and land Net Zero

North East LEP Growth Hub: Responding to COVID-19 and EU Transition Case Study

An in-depth case study looking at the role of the North East Growth Hub in helping businesses navigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the UK's exit from the European Union
COVID-19 Business sectors Evaluation

North East Community Energy Study

Enabling the community energy in the North East of England: Tackling the Energy Emergency
Net Zero Research

Inward foreign direct investment positions

Data on the value of the foreign based firm's inward investment positions in the North East
International trade

Travel to work (2021 Census)

Information about how North East workers travelled to their jobs in March 2021, including how many worked at or from home
Transport Census 2021

Population by age (2021 Census)

Census 2021 data showing population by age group in the North East.
Census 2021

Economic activity status (2021 census)

Census 2021 data showing the percentages of adults participating in and absent from the labour market, with detail that is unavailable from other sources.
Census 2021

Projected employment change

Projections of the types of jobs in the North East labour market, and the skills workers will need, up to 2035.
Labour market