Population by age (2021 Census)

Census 2021 data showing population by age group in the North East.

Census 2021
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Statistics about the age of the population and the geographical distribution of people in different age groups provide valuable insights for a range of data users.

A key role is in planning and funding local government services that focus on children or older workers or the over-80s, for example. The small area data, in particular, shows concentrations of different age groups within parts of North East local authority areas.

The North East population in 2021

In March 2021, at the time of the census, the resident population was 1,969,797. The median age was 42 and the five single years of age with the highest populations were those from 55 to 59.


Population by single year of age, 2021 census, North East

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Comparisons of age structures in different areas

Among the seven North East local authority areas:

Compared to England excluding London, the North East had a higher percentage of its population among broad age groups aged 55 to 84 and among those aged 16 to 24. The latter partly reflecting the presence of students at four universities. 

Among the eight core city LEP areas, the North East had:

Within the North East:

Changes since the 2011 census

The North East population in 2021 was about 35,700 higher than 10 years earlier. During this period, the population decreased within three broad age groups. These were the 16 to 24, 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 age groups. The population fell in all seven local authority areas for the oldest of these age groups and in all areas except Newcastle for the other two. 

The 10-year percentage growth in the North East population (1.8%) was less than a third of that of England excluding London (6.4%). In the age groups with population growth, the North East percentage increase was lower than that of England excluding London in most cases. The exceptions were the 65 to 74 and 85 plus age groups. In age groups with a falling North East population, the percentage decrease was much higher than in England excluding London.

The percentage increase in the North East population was the lowest among the eight core city LEP areas. Within the North East, 10-year percentage increases in total population were highest in Newcastle and North Tyneside. There were percentage decreases in Gateshead, Sunderland and South Tyneside. 

Implications for annual mid-year population estimates

The census population statistics are used as a basis for the annual mid-year population estimates over the following decade. They also feed into retrospective revisions to estimates during the previous decade.

The mid-2021 estimates have been released, based on the latest census and they show disparities with the mid-2020 estimates, at a local authority area level in particular. The revised estimates for the years leading up to 2021 are due to be released in the first half of 2023.

There is more information about the latest North East mid-year estimates on the Evidence Hub population page

Mapping population by age in small areas

The ONS interactive census map shown below is embedded in this and other Evidence Hub pages. It allows users to view geographical patterns in census datasets interactively. 

We have set up the map to show the percentage of each local authority area's population that was aged 55 to 64 in 2021, the adult age group with the highest North East population. However, the age group can be changed using the controls to the left of the map. In addition, the zoom function can be used to view patterns for small areas for each age group.

For more information about this mapping tool, visit the ONS website.


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