Working age ethnicity
In the North East in 2022/23:
- around 94.0% of people aged 16 to 64 were classified as being in the white ethnic group from their responses to the Annual Population Survey
- this was a much higher percentage than England excluding London (86.5%) and England (81.5%). In most cases on this page the North East is compared solely to the former
- among people in this age group, about 1.5%, 0.7% and 0.5% were classified as being in, respectively, the black or black British; Indian; and Pakistani/Bangladeshi ethnic groups
- a further 0.8% and 2.4% were classified, respectively, as being of mixed ethnicity and of being in another ethnic group
- all five percentages were lower than those for England excluding London
- older adults were more likely to be within the white ethnic group than younger adults
- about 8.2% of people aged 16 to 64 were not born in the UK, with more than half of these within one of the five broad minority ethnic groups listed above
- about 5.9% in this age group were not UK nationals, with, again, more than half from a minority ethnic group