Earning differences between ethicities
The chart below shows average earning differences in ethnic groups compared to White ethnicities. Within both England and the North East, Asian or Asian British ethnicities earned less than White ethnicities; across the other ethnic groups, there were stark differences between the North East and England.
The largest difference was in the North East: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups earned on average more than White ethnicities, whereas across England this group earned slightly less than White ethnicities. This trend was replicated to a smaller degree for Black, African, Caribbean or Black British ethnicities. The other ethnic groups category earned less than White ethnicities in the North East, but more than White ethnicities on average across England.
The gaps in the latest earnings are described in the above paragraphs and below charts, but it should be noted that there is considerable variation between years on earnings gaps between ethnicities. This is demonstrated by the third chart below. Some of the data points are based on small sample sizes and cannot be considered reliable, especially those relating to Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups and Other ethnic groups.