Life expectancy in the North East

Data on life expectancy at birth and at age 65 in the North East over time

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Life expectancy at birth in the North East 

Life expectancy at birth in the North East has been consistently lower than England over the last 20 years for both men and women. For Men life expectancy in the 2020 to 2022 period at birth was 77.2 years in the North East and 78.9 in England. For women it was 81.2 years in the North East and 82.8 in England. 

Life expectancy in the last few years has decreased because of Covid-19, to the point where life expectancy is now lower than it was in 2010/12. This is in contrast to a period of strong increases in life expectancy between 2002/04 to 2010/12.

Life expectancy varies between local authorities in the North East too for both men and women and at birth and aged 65. South Tyneside, Sunderland and Gateshead are in the 10% of local authorities with the lowest male life expectancy in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Local area data

The map below shows the variation in life expectancy by local authority and allows you explore patterns across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It clearly shows the North/South divide in England in terms of life expectancy.

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