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Life Expectancy Inequalities

Differences in total life expectancies and healthy life expectancies due to deprivation and other measures

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This data measures how life expectancy varies with deprivation. It takes account of health inequalities across the whole range of deprivation within each area. The value given represents the range in years of life expectancy across the social gradient from most to least deprived, based on a statistical analysis of the relationship between life expectancy and deprivation across all deprivation deciles.

Latest life expectancy inequality data

Life expectancy inequalities have increased considerably over the past decade between 2010-2020. This increase is more dramatic for women, increasing by 2.2 years in comparison to the 1.8 for men. Life expectancy inequality (LEI) has increased at a greater rate in the North East than the England average.

LEI is greater in men than women in the North East and England. In 2018-20, LEI for men in the North East was 12.5 and was 10 for women. In England, these values were 9.7 for men and 7.9 for women. These values show that the difference between life expectancies is growing between those living in areas with lower deprivation and those living in areas with greater deprivation.

Life Expectancy Inequalities across time in North East and England

Local life expectancy inequality data

Life expectancy inequality remains higher for men than women in all North East local authority areas, this indicates that deprivation levels affect total life expectancy in men to a greater degree than women. This gap is highest in South Tyneside, at 3.3; this is primarily driven due to lower inequality amongst women. The differences between local authorities are affected by the character and extent of deprivation within their boundaries.

Life Expectancy Inequality in North East Local Authorities