based on information from definitive Ordnance Survey mapping
North East land area (hectares)
64% in Northumberland
29% in County Durham
6.0% of England's land area
is developed land
% of total land area
England excl. London: 8.3%
is agricultural
% of total land area
England, excl. London: 64%
The first of the charts below shows how the North East land area was split between Northumberland, County Durham and Tyne and Wear in 2022, and how it was divided between developed and non-developed land.
The next two charts provide comparisons of land use between different areas. In each case, the percentage of the land area that was developed in 2022 is shown, together with the percentages within seven distinct non-developed land use types. The area types in the chart include the English core city areas and local authority areas and constituencies within the North East.
The final chart highlights the extent of forestry, natural land and rough grassland in the North East.
Land use, developed and non-developed land (hectares), North East, 2022
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart groups together all developed and all non-developed land types. Geography:
County Durham and Northumberland local authority areas, Tyne and Wear metroplitan area (based on a combination of five local authority areas).
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 categories
This chart groups together all developed land types. Water is included in the undeveloped land totals in the original data but is excluded here. Geography:
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas, local authority areas and, for Birmingham, the West Midland mayoral combined authority (MCA) area. The D2N2 LEP area includes Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The LEP and MCA areas include the English conurbations with the highest populations outside of London.
LEP and MCA data based on aggregated local authority level information.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart groups together all developed land types. Water is included in the undeveloped land totals in the original data but is excluded here. Geography:
Parliamentary constituencies (as at the most recent election). Sedgefield constituency is within the North East and Tees Valley LEP areas. This analysis includes land in the North East only.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 2022 Data information: Based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey's topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 categories. Geography: North East LEP area
including buildings, roads and other man-made surfaces
Transport and utilities
% of developed land
England excl. London: 51%
% of developed land
England excl. London: 13.7%
Industry and commerce
% of developed land
England excl. London: 4.2%
The charts below focus on developed land in the North East in 2022. The first two charts show how the totals vary between local authority areas and by type. The third shows North East totals as a percentage of England's land area for different types.
The final two charts provide comparisons of developed land use between different areas. In each case, the percentages of land within six distinct types are charted. The geographies in the chart include the English core city areas, as well as local authority areas and constituencies within the North East.
Land use, developed land by detailed type (hectares), North East, 2022
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 18 developed land use categories into 12 groups. Geography: Local authority areas.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 18 developed land use categories into six groups. "Unknown developed use" includes unidentified buildings, structures and non-roadside man-made surfaces. Geography: Local authority areas.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc. North East LEP analysis. Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 18 developed land use categories into ten groups and excludes the "Unknown developed use" categories. Geography: North East LEP area.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 18 developed land use categories into six groups. "Unknown developed use" includes unidentified buildings, structures and non-roadside man-made surfaces Geography:
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas, local authority areas and, for Birmingham, the West Midland mayoral combined authority (MCA) area. The D2N2 LEP area includes Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The LEP and MCA areas include the English conurbations with the highest populations outside of London.
LEP and MCA data based on aggregated local authority level information.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 18 developed land use categories into six groups. "Unknown developed use" includes unidentified buildings, structures and non-roadside man-made surfaces Geography:
Parliamentary constituencies (as at the most recent election). Sedgefield constituency is within the North East and Tees Valley LEP areas. This analysis includes land in the North East only.
including agriculture, open land, recreational areas, residential gardens
of England's natural land
130,000 ha in total
18% of North East non-developed land
of England's rough grassland
75,000 ha in total
10% of North East non-developed land
of England's forestry and woodland
113,000 ha in total
15% of North East non-developed land
The charts below focus on non-developed land in the North East in 2022. The first two show how the totals vary land type and highlight that most North East non-developed land is within four of the 22 constituencies. The third chart shows North East totals as a percentage of England's land area for different types.
The other two charts provide comparisons of non-developed land use between different areas. In each case, the percentages of land within eight distinct types are charted. The geographies in the chart include the English core city areas, as well as local authority areas and constituencies within the North East.
Land use, non-developed land by type (hectares), North East, 2022
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 10 non-developed land use categories into eight groups. Geography:
County Durham and Northumberland local authority areas, Tyne and Wear metropolitan area. Data for the latter is based on aggregated data for five local authority areas.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 10 non-developed land use categories into eight groups. Geography:
Parliamentary constituencies (as at the most recent election). This chart focuses on the four of the 22 constituencies that have the largest areas of non-developed land within the North East. Together they include 85% of the North East's non-developed land.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 10 non-developed land use categories into eight groups. Geography: North East LEP area.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 10 non-developed land use categories into eight groups. Geography:
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas, local authority areas and, for Birmingham, the West Midland mayoral combined authority (MCA) area. The D2N2 LEP area includes Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The LEP and MCA areas include the English conurbations with the highest populations outside of London.
LEP and MCA data based on aggregated local authority level information.
Source: Land Use in England, 2022 (DLUHC), latest release: 27 Oct 22, next release: tbc Data information:
These statistics are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 land use categories.
This chart summarises the 10 non-developed land use categories into eight groups. Geography:
Parliamentary constituencies (as at the most recent election). Sedgefield constituency is within the North East and Tees Valley LEP areas. This analysis includes land in the North East only.
The statistics charted on this page are based on a snapshot of land use in England in April 2022 taken from the Ordnance Survey’s topography products. Land uses are classified across 28 categories, Ten of these categories describe non-developed or vacant land with the other 18 being developed land categories.