Economic output by small area
GVA output in the North East is concentrated in a relatively small number of local areas. In 2021 the 5% output areas with the largest contribution to the North East total accounted for 50% of GVA in the North East. This concentration has been becoming more pronounced over time too. In 1998 the top 5% accounted for 44% of total GVA and in 2009 they accounted for 47%.
Most of the GVA in the North East is produced in urban areas. These accounted for 85% of total output in 2021, with a further 15% being produced in rural areas. 21% of output was produced in coastal towns, which overlaps with the urban and rural classifications used above.
The proportion of output from rural areas has increased more rapidly than urban areas since 2009. This is mostly due to very large increases in output in a couple of lower super output areas (probably due to the opening of new business parks and office blocks, so this may change the classifications of these areas in the next update). Output from coastal areas has grown more slowly than both urban and rural areas.