The UK is committed to reaching net zero by 2050. This will require a transformation of the nation’s economy, and region’s like the North East can benefit as a driving force for that change. This section looks at some of the metrics of our own progress, including greenhouse gas emissions, renewable electricity generation and energy efficiency in housing, as well as attitudes towards climate change and the pace of growth in green jobs and businesses in the region.
Latest data
Net zero businesses
Estimates of the number of companies in the North East with net zero activities as their main focus of work
Business sectors
Net Zero
Access to services by transport
Journey time statistics for each North East local authority area, estimates of the population at risk of transport related social exclusion.
Net Zero
Climate change attitudes
Data from the DESNZ Public Attitudes Tracker about awareness of Net Zero and concern about climate change
Net Zero
Green jobs
Estimates of North East regional employment in green occupations. Other estimates of net-zero related employment
Labour market
Net Zero
Waste and recycling
Local authority waste collection totals and recycling rates
Housing and land
Net Zero
Research and innovation funding
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding in the North East; Research Council funds for universities with an estimate for Net Zero related projects
Net Zero
Education and skills
Productivity and innovation
Air quality
Trends in concentrations of air pollutants at North East sites
Net Zero
Licensed plug-in vehicles
Number of licensed plug-in vehicles and as a proportion of the total vehicle fleet
Net Zero
Transport greenhouse gas emissions
Estimates of emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, by transport sub-sector and local authority area
Net Zero
Land use
Statistics showing the distribution of land uses in the North East LEP area and comparisons with other areas
Housing and land
Net Zero
Greenhouse gas emissions
Estimates of North East emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, by sector and local authority area
Net Zero
Energy efficiency of housing
Data on the energy efficiency of homes in the North East
Housing and land
Net Zero
Energy consumption
Data on energy consumption by fuel and sector in the North East LEP area
Net Zero
Renewable electricity generation
Statistics about renewable electricity generation and capacity in the North East
Net Zero
Evidence base
In order to achieve net zero carbon emissions, whilst driving good quality jobs, improving standards of livings and enhancing our unique regional environment, we must first set the scene and understand our current regional position.
Our Net Zero evidence base was initially developed in 2022 to support the work and ambitions of Net Zero North East England, as well as the development of a regional net zero strategy and action plan.
It covers data on the decarbonisation of the North East LEP area, as well as a range of other economic, social and environmental indicators for monitoring the impact of the transition on the North East. The 2022 evidemce base was gathered into pages on:
- clean growth
- just transition
- environmental protection

Latest publications

A mine energy white paper
The Case for Mine Energy – unlocking deployment at scale in the UK
Net Zero

A deep geothermal energy white paper
The case for deep geothermal energy – unlocking investment at scale in the UK
Net Zero

Regional Decarbonisation: People, Place and Planning
New research from Durham University on how strategic energy planning can drive decarbonisation, economic growth and wellbeing across the North East.
Net Zero

Understanding skills provision in the Offshore Wind industry
Energi Coast Skills Group commissioned a survey exploring skills provision in the North East.
Net Zero
Education and skills

North East offshore wind supply chain
North East offshore wind supply chain
Business sectors
Net Zero

North East Community Energy Study
Enabling the community energy in the North East of England: Tackling the Energy Emergency
Net Zero

Rapid review of potential labour and skills impact on the green economy and digital skills within health and social care
The Institute of Employment Studies completed a rapid literature review to understand the labour and skills impacts of developments in digital and technology within health and social health and the green economy.
Net Zero
Education and skills