Collected waste totals
- In 2022/23, in the seven local authority areas within the North East LEP area:
- Total local authority collected waste was just over 924,000 tonnes
- this was 6.7% lower than in the previous year and 2.0% lower than five years earlier
- about 89% was household waste. The amount of this had also decreased by 6.7% in the latest year and by 2.0% since 2017/18
- total non-household waste was 6.6% lower than in 2021/22 and 1.8% lower than five years earlier
- recycled waste made up 32.6% of all waste
- the total tonnage of recycled waste was 11.7% lower than in 2021/22 and 12.0% lower than in 2017/18
- the total weight of non-recycled waste had also decreased in the latest year, but only by 4.0%. It was 3.7% higher than five years earlier.
- Among the seven local authority areas:
- Over 27% of North East waste was from County Durham, with the next highest percentage (almost 18%) from Northumberland
- collected waste totals decreased in all seven areas in the latest year
- compared to five years earlier, the latest totals were higher in County Durham and Northumberland and lower in the five other areas.
- A longer time series is available for the North East region (including Tees Valley):
- In 2022/23, total collected waste in the North East region was almost 25% lower than 20 years earlier
- the majority of the 20 year decrease took place in the first ten years of the period, when the total had decreased by just over 22%
- it decreased by only 3.4% in the most recent ten years
- household waste in the region decreased by 19% in the latest two decades, with non-recycled household waste decreasing by 40% as the amount of recycled household waste almost quadrupled.