Each year, the DESNZ publishes Regional Renewable Statistics. This is a statistical release that includes sub-national information about total renewable electricity generation; the number of generating sites; and their capacity. The information is broken down by technology type.
Unfortunately, totals are not published for English devolved administration areas such as the North East Combined Authority area. Instead, statistics are provided for the nine broad English regions, with local authority level data provided if it does not identify the output of an individual site.
In the North East, these restrictions mean that detailed breakdowns of renewable electricity generation by technology type are only available for the North East region, which combines the North East and Tees Valley Combined Authority areas. Generation capacity totals, however, are provided at a local level and can be summed to give statistics for the Combined Authority area.
Capacity is measured using megawatts (MW), while generation is measured in megawatt hours (MWh) or gigawatt hours (GWh). Geographical areas are usually based on onshore boundaries and, because of this, statistics for offshore wind sites are allocated to the geographical area where the cabling comes ashore. This is not necessarily the area closest to the site and, for this reason, some data comparisons between areas omit offshore sites.
Renewable electricity generation capacity
1,200 MW
North East capacity (2023)
39% from biomass and waste sites,
35% from onshore wind, 17% from solar,
69% from sites in Northumberland.
of England's onshore capacity
17% of England's hydro capacity
14% of onshore wind capacity
8% of biomass and waste capacity
capacity change in latest year
13% growth in solar capacity.
2018: 65% capacity increase
from new biomass plant.
higher capacity rate than England
expressed as a rate per household.
Also, higher NE rate of solar sites,
35% growth in sites since 2018.
Renewable energy generation (North East region)
3,500 GWh
North East region generation (2023)
45% from biomass and waste sites,
30% from onshore wind,
9% from offshore wind.
of England's onshore generation
24% of England's hydro generation,
15% of onshore wind generation,
7% of biomass and waste.
change in latest year
20% decrease from biomass and waste,
5.4% decrease from onshore wind,
6.5% increase from solar generation.
2.3 times higher than in 2013
despite decrease since 2020 peak
of 41% in total generation
and 59% from biomass and waste.
Further analysis
The evidence hub includes a net zero data page with links to data reports about all aspects of this topic. The content on the hub forms part of the evidence base for Net Zero North East England. The DESNZ includes the raw renewable electricity generation dataset and their analysis of recent trends.
Data downloads
The DESNZ regional renewable statistics page allows users to download Excel spreadsheets of raw data and a pdf summary of key trends.
Net zero theme page
The evidence hub's net zero theme page includes links to reports on staitsics for a wide range of topics.
NZNEE evidence base
Net Zero North East England is a partnership in the North East of England introduced to drive forward a greener, fairer and more sustainable region. Their website highlights the evidence base.