Labour Market

Charts and commentary on the latest statistics about the North East labour market. Including data on employment, unemployment and economic inactivity.

Latest employment reports

For most working age people, having a good quality job matters more than the overall state of the economy. That’s why keeping track of the region’s labour market is important, but it can be done in any number of ways. This section brings together a set of indicators which covers basic measures like the employment, economic inactivity and unemployment rates, but also includes information about the sectors or occupations within the North East. Pay data is featured in a separate section.

Green jobs

Estimates of North East regional employment in green occupations. Other estimates of net-zero related employment
Labour market Net Zero

Labour market status by ethnicity

North East population estimates by ethnic group. Labour market participation rates. Detailed information from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Inclusion

Labour market status, disability and health

The participation in the labour market of people with disabilities or ill-health. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Health Inclusion

Workless households

Annual Population Survey data showing workless households in North East LEP and England Excluding London
Labour market Poverty and deprivation

Projected employment change

Projections of the types of jobs in the North East labour market, and the skills workers will need, up to 2035.
Labour market

Employment types

Part-time working, hours worked, second jobs, self-employment, temporary and zero hours work, public sector employment
Labour market Newcastle North Tyneside South Tyneside Durham Gateshead Sunderland Northumberland

Employment by nationality

Data on the employment of EU and Non-EU nationals in the North East region
Labour market

Labour market status of older people

Statistics showing the participation of people aged 50 and above in the labour market. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Inclusion

Claimant count

Numbers of people claiming unemployment-related benefit. A more timely dataset than local unemployment rates.
Labour market Poverty and deprivation

North East regional labour market statistics

The most up to date sub-national data - the North East statistical region includes the North East and Tees Valley combined authority (CA) areas
Labour market

Unemployment rate

Unemployed people are not in work, but are actively seeking employment. Includes comparisons of headline rates (the proportion of economically active population that are unemployed).
Labour market Poverty and deprivation

Economic inactivity rate

The economically inactive are non-workers who are not actively seeking employment. Including information about the main reason for inactivity and comparisons by sex and age group.
Labour market Poverty and deprivation

Economic activity rate

Economically active people are either in employment or unemployed (not in work but actively seeking employment). Includes comparisons of the headline working age rate and of trends by age and sex.
Labour market

Employment rate

Trends in North East employment, including the headline working age rate. This information is based on survey responses over a 12 month period and is updated every three months
Labour market

Employment by sector

The number of people in employment in VAT / PAYE registered businesses by industry. North East sector specialisms.
Labour market Newcastle North Tyneside South Tyneside Durham Gateshead Sunderland Northumberland

Employment by occupation

The occupational structure of the North East labour market
Labour market

Publication archive

This section provides links to reports, research papers and evaluation relating to the labour market. Much of this work was commissioned or drafted by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The role of the LEP has now been incorporated into the work of the North East Combined Authority but some of these publications still include mention of the LEP.

Impact of AI on North East occupations (Nov 2023)

Applying Unit for Future Skills findings on the predicated impact of AI to the North East
Labour market Novel data sources

Business startup and self employment study March 2021

A study to understand the impact of COVID-19 on business start-up and self-employment in the North East, both in terms of the impact on people currently in self-employment and the prospects of those who choose to start a business.
COVID-19 Labour market Research

Interim Evaluation of the North East Strategic Economic Plan

To assess the effectiveness and impact of the SEP and its implementation on the region’s economy.
Economy Labour market Evaluation

Strategic Economic Plan Targets

Measuring progress against the six headline targets set out in the North East Strategic Economic Plan in 2014
Economy Labour market