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Evidence is fundamental for good decision-making

The North East Evidence Hub brings together key data about the region and provides tools to help residents, businesses, education establishments and policy makers to make use of this data in a simple and accessible way. It's about the region, for the region and we encourage feedback and contributions to help build the regional evidence base.

Latest updates

National Travel Survey

The National Travel Survey is a household survey of residents of England travelling within Great Britain. It is designed to monitor long-term trends in personal travel and is the primary source of data on English travel patterns.  

Results are published yearly for the nine English statistical regions, with the latest statistics covering 2023. The hub's National Travel Survey spotlight page highlights key rates and trends for the North East region.

Our region had the second highest rate of walking and cycling trips per person in England in 2023. It also had the highest number of local bus trips per person outside of London.

Transport Plan Consultation

The North East Transport Plan is the Mayor's core strategy for transport and sets out the region's transport aspirations up to 2040. It details the Mayor's path to a integrated network; green, connected, affordable, simple and built to last

The ambition is to make travel across the North East safer, more reliable and accessible for everyone in a physical and financial sense. The plan aims to boost use of sustainable travel, contributing to reduced emissions, whilst also establishing improved connections amidst communities, improving wellbeing for everyone.

The consultation on the Transport Plan launched on 4th November. We  encourage you to complete the survey and share your views.

Featured datasets

Public transport travel by region

The North East region has the 2nd highest rate of public transport trips per person outside of London, and the highest rate of local bus trips.

North East population over time

The population of the North East combined authority area increased sharply in the two years to mid-2023

Active travel, trips per person

The rate of active travel in the North East region has risen in the latest two years

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Find data, commentary, and research on all aspects of the regional economy. Evidence is categorised by theme, and some appears under more than one heading.