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Housing and land

Charts and commentary on the latest data about housing and land use in the North East and related topics.

Latest data

This section looks at information about where people live in the North East. There is information about topics relating to housing characteristics, the housing market and the ways that land is used in the North East. There is also information about services to households such as broadband and waste collection.

Waste and recycling

Local authority waste collection totals and recycling rates
Housing and land Net Zero

Housing Tenure

ONS Census data showing Housing Tenure in North East LEP areas and England Excluding London
Housing and land Census 2021

Housing Affordability

Average Earnings and House Price ONS data showing Average Housing Affordability
Housing and land

Broadband availability

Ofcom data showing broadband availability and average speeds in North East LEP and comparator geographies
Housing and land

Land use

Statistics showing the distribution of land uses in the North East LEP area and comparisons with other areas
Housing and land Net Zero

Energy efficiency of housing

Data on the energy efficiency of homes in the North East
Housing and land Net Zero

Housing and housebuilding

Information about the North East dwelling stock, net additional dwellings and house building
Housing and land