Ethnicity Pay Gaps
Data on how pay varies by ethnicity in the North East and England
Income and earnings
Inflation adjusted pay gaps
Data on how real pay has changed in the North East and England
Income and earnings
Earnings analysis across different groups
Disparities earnings across groups and measured against inflation
Income and earnings
Gender Pay Differences
Examining the differences in pay between Women and Men in the North East
Income and earnings
Employee Pay
Average gross weekly wages for full-time and part-time employees by residence and workplace
Income and earnings
Earnings inequality
Data on how earnings varies within the North East compared to other regions
Income and earnings
Small area income data
Understanding variation in household income in the North East by small area
Poverty and deprivation
Income and earnings
Employees on less than the living wage
Below living wage jobs across within NELEP and North East LAs
Poverty and deprivation
Income and earnings