Gross weekly pay in the North East
A survey of employers in April 2023 showed that for full-time employees working in the North East combined authority area, average (median) gross weekly pay in 2023 was £600 and for part-time employees it was £239.
The North East full-time median was only 88% of the England equivalent (£646), in contrast the part-time median pay was very similar (England £241). The North East full-time figure was the second lowest amongst the eight-core city LEP areas, and just above that of the Tees Valley.
Among full-time employees in the North East, median pay increased by 25% between 2014 and 2023, a smaller increase than across England (30%). The percentage change for part-time employees was higher, with a North East increase of 48% was close to the England increase of 50%. These are nominal estimates that do not take account of inflation.
At the local authority level full-time workplace pay was highest in Newcastle and lowest in Gateshead. Differences at the parliamentary constituency level were larger, with Hexham having a resident full-time gross weekly pay of £711 compared to £574 in Houghton and Sunderland South.