Skill-shortage vacancies, skills gaps and employee training
Education (16-18) Outcomes
Research and innovation funding
Key Stage 4 Achievements
Graduate outcomes
Education and training participation and NEET (young people)
Adult further education and skills
Apprenticeship achievements and starts
Apprenticeship outcomes
Adult Education and Training Outcomes
Key Stage 4 destinations
Job-related training
Higher Education - Student enrollments
Free school meal eligibility
Spotlight analysis
Understanding skills demand within domestic energy
To achieve the 2050 Net Zero targets, the UK must decarbonise the heating market at a rate of 20,000 homes per week by 2025. This presents a significant skills challenge to solve in terms of scale, pace and quality. This skills needs assessments aims to explore the opportunities this presents for the region.
In response to these skills challenges and opportunities identified, the North East LEP alongside the North East and Yorkshire Energy Hub Board commissioned a skills needs assessment of domestic retrofit.
Ideas for Change Consulting and kMatrix Data Services were commissioned to deliver the assessment, exploring the breadth and depth of current skills provision for domestic retrofit; the barriers, challenges and gaps in training provision; qualifications needed for domestic retrofit initiatives and assessment of ‘market demand’ for such skills. This would be brought together into a 10-year legacy plan for futureproofing and strategy development.

Exploring Apprenticeships in the North East LEP area
In 2022, the North East LEP commissioned Wavehill to undertake a research project focused on exploring the scale of apprenticeship recruitment and retention and to test the assumptions identified as a priority for the Apprenticeship Provider Group. The ambition was to provide a set of actionable priorities for increasing the number of young people starting and sustaining apprenticeships.
During the pandemic the group met twice a term and during this period it was evident that the recruitment of apprenticeships, especially for the younger age groups of 16-18 year olds, was increasingly more problematic than it was for adult apprenticeships. Provider group discussions revealed that whilst it was "felt" the region's experiences mirrored those reflected nationally, there had been a longstanding concern and decline in apprenticeships prior to March 2020. The pandemic had exacerbated this with the provider group agreeing there was high value in undertaking empirical research, in the absence of any current, regional deep dives into apprenticeships for 16-18 year olds. The aim being to arrive at evidence-based conclusions and actionable priorities to increase apprenticeship recruitment and retention.


Opportunity North East: Final Report

North East Ambition Career Benchmarks: Primary Pilot

Employment and skills needs of the offshore wind, tourism, and health and social care sectors in the North East LEP area

Understanding skills provision in the Offshore Wind industry

North East LEP Local Skills Report

North East Ambition Career Benchmarks: Primary Pilot. Year 1 report

Opportunity North East Summary Report April 2020

Rapid review of potential labour and skills impact on the green economy and digital skills within health and social care

Exploring future skills needs within the Health and Life Sciences ecosystem