Transition towards Net Zero

In 2022, we developed this baseline Net Zero evidence base for the launch of Net Zero North East England. It sets the scene for work to achieve net zero carbon emissions, whilst driving good quality jobs, improving standards of livings and enhancing our unique regional environment.

The content on these spotlight pages focus on evidence as at 2022 and has not been updated. The Net Zero theme page has links to additional and more up to date information.

Net Zero North East Baseline Evidence Base

This evidence base was developed in 2022 to support the work and ambitions of Net Zero North East England, as well as the development of a regional net zero strategy and action plan.

It covers data on the decarbonisation of the North East LEP area, as well as a range of other economic, social and environmental indicators for monitoring the impact of the transition on the North East. These are gathered into pages on clean growth, just transition and environmental protection. The data on these pages was up to date as at October 2022. 

To underpin this work there is a need for stronger measurement tools, delivering more up to date data covering the right areas. We have used the best of what is currently available, but our evidence highlights the need for more systematic measurement processes and innovation in this area, both in the region and amongst national data providers. Partners in the region are working together on this challenge, building on our leading capabilities in smart data and digital technologies and our reach into our networks in the region and beyond.

In particular there is a need to understand and address those emissions which are not counted in the figures. We are a trading region engaged with global supply chains and transport links, but the extent to which we capture externalities is not clear. A wider evidence base that focused on each of the key action areas identified by the UK Government’s Climate Advisors – the Climate Change Committee has also been developed and will be uploaded in due course.

Significant progress

made by the North East in reducing emissions, specifically from industrial and commercial sources.

North East has opportunities to be a leader

in renewable energy generation, decarbonisation, eliminating environmental pollution and carbon capture. 

Decreased emissions

North East emissions have decreased at a faster rate than the UK as a whole.


of emissions due to transport and domestic

which needs to be a focus for future accelerated impact.

Net Zero North East Ambitions

A greener, cleaner, fairer region driving:



Decarbonisation and the delivery of the North East’s contribution to national and global net zero targets.

Clean growth

Clean growth

Clean growth and opportunities for more and better jobs, underpinned by innovation.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection

Environmental protection, restoration and improvement.

'Just transition'

'Just transition'

A ‘just transition’,  leading to improvements in quality of life and growth that is inclusive for all in our region.

More about Net Zero North East

Net Zero North East England is a partnership in the North East of England introduced to drive forward a greener, fairer and more sustainable region.

It marks the next stage of our region’s journey to net zero; drawing together data, evidence, and the knowledge and perspectives of key partners to provide an assessment of the progress which has been made so far and identify future risks and opportunities.

In support of the Paris climate targets and the UK Net Zero strategy, the aim of Net Zero North East is to deliver on the goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions at pace, whilst driving good quality jobs, improved standards of living and enhancement of our unique regional environment.

Interested in the data?

To find out more about the data used to generate this evidence base, please get in touch with the Strategy, Policy and Analysis team.