Our Economy: Previous Editions

Our Economy is an annual update on the current performance of the North East economy and how it's changing over time. Using a comprehensive range of data sources, it provides the latest available indicators on all aspects of the economy of North East LEP area.

Our Economy reports are produced every year. They come out in two forms: a full report and an executive summary. Both include a section showing how the North East LEP area is performing against the targets set out in the North East Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). They also feature sections detailing trends in the SEP's five programmes of delivery:

  • business growth
  • innovation
  • skills, employment, inclusion and progression
  • transport connectivity
  • investment and infrastructure

Every year, the Our Economy report also provides a comprehensive look at a particular topic that is key to the success of the North East economy.

This page contains previous editions of the Our Economy report. For the latest edition, Our Economy 2023, please visit this page.

Our Economy 2022

In 2022 Our Economy took place in the context of a period of rapidly increasing prices. As well as our usual range of economic indicators therefore, we decided to focus our analysis on the cost of living and the cost of doing business in the North East.

We also published the results of our emergent markets study, looking at which markets the North East has a competitive advantage and are likely to see growth over the next 10-15 years

For the first time in 2022 we also published Our Economy online as part of the North East Evidence Hub. You can read all of the Our Economy pages from 2022 by following the link below.

Our Economy 2021

In 2021, the economy faced unprecedented challenges and had to adapt to change brought about by COVID-19 and our departure from the European Union. Because of this, we published two reports: our usual state of the region report, and a special report focusing on insights into the impact of COVID-19 and our transition out of the EU. 

Our annual state of the region report collates almost 100 sources to understand the long-term performance and current issues of the North East economy. The report sets out data relating to our targets, programmes of delivery, and areas of strategic importance

Our COVID-19 and EU transition insights report looks specifically into the economic changes triggered by these two economic shocks. It combines national and regional data with new data sources and intelligence gathered from stakeholder consultations.

Our Economy 2020

In 2020, we published the third edition of Our Economy report which contains the latest data at the time of writing (May 2020) relating to the SEP targets and programmes of delivery.

It includes a focus on the economic geography of the North East, with maps and charts showing both the diversity of places within the North East and how interconnected they are.

Because of the time lag in the availability of official local statistics, the data in this report mainly relates to 2019 and, therefore, provides a detailed baseline of the North East economy immediately prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Our Economy 2019

The second Our Economy report published in 2019 contains the latest data at the time of release (spring 2019) relating to the SEP targets and programmes of delivery. 

It also includes a focus on what makes the North East a competitive place, with detailed information about:

  • innovation
  • business sophistication
  • technological readiness
  • human capital
  • labour market efficiency
  • market size
  • transparency and accountability
  • quality of life

Our Economy 2018

In 2018, we published our first Our Economy report, containing the latest data at the time of release (spring 2018) relating to the targets in the North East Strategic Economic Plan and programmes of delivery.

It includes a detailed section on the North East in the global economy, with focuses on:

  • trade
  • foreign owned businesses
  • international migration
  • universities and colleges
  • European funding
  • international connectivity