
The latest statistics comparing outcomes for different groups of North East residents.

Latest data

Ethnicity Pay Gaps

Data on how pay varies by ethnicity in the North East and England
Income and earnings Inclusion

Gender Pay Differences

Examining the differences in pay between Women and Men in the North East
Income and earnings Inclusion

Labour market status by ethnicity

North East population estimates by ethnic group. Labour market participation rates. Detailed information from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Inclusion

Labour market status, disability and health

The participation in the labour market of people with disabilities or ill-health. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Health Inclusion

Labour market status of older people

Statistics showing the participation of people aged 50 and above in the labour market. Additional detail from the 2021 census.
Labour market Census 2021 Inclusion