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The process of evaluation helps us to understand how something has been implemented and what the effects have been. We're committed to publishing evaluation findings to inform future programme design, delivery and policy making.

Spotlight analysis

Overarching evaluation of the North East Growth Hub and associated programmes

In 2022, the North East LEP commissioned an evaluation of the North East Growth Hub, undertaken by Technopolis. This independent evaluation focusses on the activities of the Growth Hub, plus a deep-dive on two specific programmes run through the Growth Hub: High Potential Start-Up (HPSU) and Made Smarter North East (MSANE). The evaluation has two objectives: 

  1. Develop a better understanding of the performance, effectiveness and impact of the North East Growth Hub and its programmes, and 
  2. Deliver evidence to inform ongoing and future delivery, including the development of policy and programmes

Evaluation of the North East Growth Hub

An evaluation of the North East Growth Hub and its associated programmes was completed in 2022. Its purpose was to assess performance and effectiveness of delivery to inform the current delivery model and to inform future priorities. 


Evaluation of the High Potential Start Up programme

This study offers a deep dive evaluation of the North East High Potential Start Up (HPSU) programme. 

Evaluation of the Made Smarter Adoption North East Programme

This study explored the design and delivery of the support, uptake and effectiveness of the support, and the broader effects on the ecosystem.

Evaluation of the Challenge North Tyne programme

Read our evaluation of the joint innovation support programme between the innovation super network and the North East Local Enterprise Partnership

Evaluation of the North East LEP and South Tyneside Youth Justice Service Mentoring Programme

Read the evaluation of the joint  support programme between the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and South Tyneside Council

Opportunity North East: Final Report

Opportunity North East (ONE) was a three-year, £24 million, Department for Education (DfE) sponsored project. ONE is part of DfE’s commitment to improve education and boost productivity in the North East and Tees Valley areas.
Education, inclusion and skills Evaluation

North East Ambition Career Benchmarks: Primary Pilot

This interim evaluation report compromises of data and intelligence gathered at the start of the Pilot and at the end of Year 1.
Education, inclusion and skills

Growth through Mentoring Interim Evaluation March 2020

In 2018, the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) commissioned an external independent evaluation of its Growth through Mentoring programme to explore impact and effectiveness to date.
Business sectors Evaluation

Growth through Mentoring Interim Evaluation

In 2018, we commissioned an external independent evaluation of the Growth through Mentoring programme to explore the programme’s impact and effectiveness to date and to provide recommendations that would help shape future delivery.
Business sectors Evaluation

North East LEP Growth Hub: Responding to COVID-19 and EU Transition Case Study

An in-depth case study looking at the role of the North East Growth Hub in helping businesses navigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the UK's exit from the European Union
COVID-19 Business sectors Evaluation

North East Ambition Career Benchmarks: Primary Pilot. Year 1 report

This interim evaluation report compromises of data and intelligence gathered at the start of the Pilot and at the end of Year 1.
Education, inclusion and skills Evaluation

Opportunity North East Summary Report April 2020

ONE is a data driven project, collating and extrapolating data from a student level up to whole project level. This report presents headline findings to help inform decision making for the project moving forward.
Education, inclusion and skills Evaluation

Interim Evaluation of the North East Strategic Economic Plan

To assess the effectiveness and impact of the SEP and its implementation on the region’s economy.
Economy Evaluation

Designing an evaluation

Our evaluation approach is informed by 'The Magenta Book'. This HM Treasury guidance sets out what to consider when designing an evaluation. It defines evaluation as “an objective process of understanding how a policy or other intervention was implemented, what effects it hard, for whom, how and why”.

Visit the Government website to find out more about The Magenta Book.