Latest data
The most up to date measures of economic output and productivity.
Latest dataThe most up to date measures of economic output and productivity. Small area GVA dataData on the economic output of small areas in the North East
Productivity by industryData on output per hour in the North East region by sector
Business sectors
Productivity and innovation
Strategic Economic Plan TargetsMeasuring progress against the six headline targets set out in the North East Strategic Economic Plan in 2014
Labour Market
GVA by industryHow different sectors contribute to the value of the goods and services produced in North East
GDP (sub-regional)Gross Domestic Product, the value of goods and services produced in the North East and its local authority areas.
Productivity (GVA per hour worked)Estimates of the value of goods and services produced per hour worked
Productivity and innovation
Further analysisThis section provides additional analysis of the North East economy. It includes comprehensive summaries of the state of the economy at a point in time as well as information from sources that are one-off or are updated only sporadically. Our EconomyOur Economy is an annual event which showcases the latest data, evidence and analysis relating to the North East. The 2023 event included a focus on inclusive productivity. |