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Trade in Goods (Value)

Recent trends in the value of exports of goods from the North East region

International trade
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Overall exports

Exports from the North East region in Q1 of 2024 were valued at £3,488 million. This was a decrease of 1.8% on the previous quarter and a 3.7% increase on the same quarter a year earlier.

In the latest four quarter period the value of goods exported per working age person from the North East region was £8,351. This was higher than the value for England and England excluding London.

Exports of goods (value £m), North East region, quarterly from 2014

Exports value per head North East region (latest 4Q data)

Regional comparisons

All regions saw a decrease in goods in the last quarter and the North East percentage change was the lowest in England. The North East saw an increase compared to last year while the Northern Powerhouse, England excluding London, and England all saw decreases.

The exports index for the North East diverged from the Northern Powerhouse index over the course of 2021, but the North East was starting to return to near the Northern Powerhouse level in the latest data.

Data source

The data on this page is from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The regional data is released on a quarterly basis. The North East region contains both the North East and Tees Valley LEP areas.

HMRC also releases data on commodities and markets which can be found elsewhere on the Evidence Hub. Data from the ONS trade in services release is also available.