Business growth

Proportion of businesses that are growing

Business sectors
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Scale-ups (£500,000 to £1 million)

About 1.8% of 2015 business start-ups in the North East LEP area with initial turnovers of less than £500,000 survived to 2018 and had turnovers that had grown to more than £1 million. This is below the English average (2.0%) and is the 4th highest among the 8 core city LEPs.

Scale-ups (£1-2 million to £3 million+)

About 7.0% of North East LEP businesses with turnover of £1 million to £2 million in 2015 had increased it to £3 million or more in 2018. This was below the English average of 7.6% and was the 3rd lowest percentage of the 8 core city LEPs.