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Levelling Up: Key Data (UKSPF)

Levelling Up data covers information about the population of the North East, employment rates, economic inactivity, gross domestic product (GDP) and productivity.

Slow GDP growth

in the North East since the 2008 recession. 

Higher % of older workers

than the rest of England.


Population growth

in the region over the last 10 years. 

Increased economic inactivity

since the onset of Covid-19.

Low productivity

in the North East compared to nationally.

Population and population characteristics

The population of the North East LEP area has grown 4% over the last 10 years. This was a slightly slower rate than England excluding London. County Durham is the most populous authority in the North East LEP area, while Newcastle has the highest proportion of working age residents. Overall, the North East has a higher percentage of older workers than England excluding London.   

Employment rate

Before the pandemic, the North East LEP was closing the employment gap with England excluding London. The gap however, has widened due to the impact of Covid-19. The employment rate varies little across the North East LEP.

Economic inactivity 

Before the pandemic, the North East LEP was closing the economic inactivity gap with England excluding London. The gap however, has widened due to the impact of Covid-19. Within the North East LEP the economic inactivity rate is highest in Sunderland.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Real GDP growth has been slow in the North East LEP compared to nationally, especially since the 2008 recession. GDP per head is highest in Newcastle partially due to the inflow of commuters to the city. The impact of Covid-19 has yet to be reflected in these figures.

Inflation adjusted GDP per head North East LEP and England excluding London (1998 - 2019)

GDP per head by North East LEP local authority (2019)


The North East’s productivity is similar to most of the Core Cities, which generally also have relatively low productivity. Productivity growth in the North East LEP area has yet to fully close the gap compared to England excluding London. Within the North East LEP area, productivity is highest in Sunderland due to the highly productive automotive cluster.